On A Wilderness Pack Trip…
Enjoy world-class fishing for native cutthroat on the Southfork of the Flathead River and it’s tributaries on our wilderness pack trips!
The crystal clear waters of Youngs Creek and Danaher Creek tumble for many miles over riffles with a rainbow of brightly colored river rock. They eventually join together to form the Southfork of the Flathead River, considered by many to be the finest wilderness river in Montana.
In fact, these tributaries, along with the Southfork, hold the largest, oldest, and most genetically pure stream-dwelling cutthroat trout in the country.
Its safe to say this is a fly fisherman’s paradise.

At The Guest Ranch…
Fishermen who stay at the guest ranch can test their skill on cutthroats, rainbows and brown trout in the legendary waters of the big Blackfoot River – made famous in the movie “A River Runs Through It”.
There is also opportunity to enjoy a combination horseback/fishing day-ride to one of the more remote mountain streams and lakes. And of course the on-ranch trout ponds will give fishermen of all ages a chance to hook the big one!

What To Bring
Suggested Fishing Gear
– You can also purchase your fishing supplies locally or at the Rich Ranch Gift Shop
- Fishing Line (weight should be 5-6 with 2-3 pound tapered leaders)
- Flies
- Royal Wulfe Stimulator
- Yellow/Red Humpy
- Elk Hair Caddis
- Joe’s Hopper
- Mosquito
- Pale Evening Dun
- Black Ant
- Hairs Ear Nymph
- Lures/Spinners (¼ to 3/8 oz.) 4 to 8 pound line
- Mepps, Daredevils, Rooster tails, Crocodiles
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